Leadout for Leadership

Leadout for Leadership

A simulation that encourages high performance team working

Leadout® is an exciting and challenging leadership simulation designed to develop learning experiences in leadership, management, team building, group decision making, high performance team work, interpersonal communication, planning, resource utilisation, group processes, motivation, risk taking and conflict management.

It is an ideal learning experience for teams and individuals from all levels of your organization as it can be easily adapted to emphasise the issues you feel are important to the learning group.

Expect your team members to get totally involved with this simulation showing enthusiasm, competitive spirit and creative thinking.

They will be standing over the activity board excited and poised for the next decision. Participants can’t sit this one out if they want their team to be successful.

Leadout® is excellent as a stand alone 2 – 4 hour training module or as part of a longer team building event. It is the perfect answer to afternoon sessions … no more yawns!

What happens?

Leadout® is a 2 – 4 hour simulation which uses a land acquisition scenario that presents every challenge found in high performing work groups.

Each participant receives part of the information needed to make sound decisions. They can share it or keep it to themselves. Every move the individual makes affe

cts the group and the final outcome.

The challenge is for the team to make quality decisions while confronting every-day organizational problems.

In Leadout®, conflicts arise, managers are transferred, trust is undermined, financial constraints must be considered and, with the demand for quick decisions, team members are put in peril.

As a result of these actions, participants experience a real-life team building activity. This does not stop them from having lots of fun.

The initial de-briefing process is run within each team where they record and summarise what has happened during the activity. The discussion is stimulated by key critique questions. They then present their key learning points back to the whole group. These learning points are then further reinforced with a facilitated whole group discussion.

Leadout® is a versatile activity that can be easily tailored for your organization. It is a half a day of high performance team working for as many teams as you want to take part.

Leadout® is also an excellent activity to be run at a conference or away-day.

Skills covered:

  • Management and Leadership Styles
  • Team building
  • Group Decision Making
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Planning
  • Risk Taking
  • Power and Influence
  • Conflict Management

Who will benefit

All staff in your organization.

Duration: 2 – 4 hours

Recommended Number of Participants: 16 – 60

Some of the organizations who have experienced Leadout® include:Leadout at Lithotech


American Express  •  AT&T  •  B.C. Hydro  •  Blue Cross  •  Boeing  •  British Airways  •  British Retail Consortium  •  Chase Manhattan Bank  •  C.I.A.  •  Cisco Systems  •  Citibank  •  Ernst & Young (U.S., Canada & Spain)  •  European Central Bank (Frankfurt)  •  General Electric  •  IBM  •  Johnson & Johnson  •  Lithotech (Canada)  •  McDonald’s Restaurants (Canada)  •  Merrill Lynch  •  Microsoft  •  Morgan Stanley  •  NASA  •  Pfizer Inc.  •  QinetiQ Consulting  •  Roche Products Limited  •  Texaco  •  Texas Instruments  •  United Airlines