What We Do

A few of the workshops and interventions we have designed and delivered. All of them included experiential learning and most of them used our business games and simulations.
Developed and facilitated a series of workshops entitled ‘Tools for Innovation and Decision Making’ as part of an Innovation Masterclass program for an international investment bank in London.
Facilitated the annual Decision Conference training for the Ministry of Defence. This is where major procurement decisions are made and prioritized using MCDA (Multi Criteria Decision Analysis) tools and best practice facilitation techniques.
Developed and facilitated a ‘wine themed’ team development program for a European Bank in Frankfurt.
Kick-started several major projects and change programs through facilitated key workshops and meetings for major organizations including: McDonald’s Restaurants, Marks and Spencer, MJ Gleeson, Herman Miller, Solvay Healthcare and B&Q.
Designed and facilitated the ‘Bayeux Tapestry’ workshop to identify and resolve problems and issues within the demoralized team of a major UK charity organization. Over the course of the 2-day workshop the staff were taken on a journey from the past, through the present and into the future. The workshop concluded with a plan of action that the whole team enthusiastically supported.
Facilitated the annual conference for the IT division of a UK based pharmaceutical company. The event, which was held in Barcelona, included several of our management simulations and a number of facilitated workshops to identify and action current issues within the organization.
Facilitated sessions with the University of Cambridge in England brought together various staff members, budget holders, architects, building contractors, local government representatives and engineers as they worked together to build a new Centre for Stem Cell Research at the University.
Advised the ‘Defence Science and Technology Laboratory’ (DSTL) division of the Ministry of Defence on best practice facilitation for their annual Capability Audit.
Designed and facilitated a workshop to establish a European Vision for the Human Resources division of an international confectionery company.
Developed and facilitated a series of intense workshops, run over several years, for the training of key analysts and senior civil servants at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) to effectively facilitate difficult and controversial meetings.
Hosted and facilitated a program of monthly Business Transformation workshops for senior managers of DHL in London and Brussels.
Designed and facilitated the Strategic Focus and Team Alignment workshops for a number of Integrated Project Teams in the Ministry of Defence.
Through a combination of consulting, facilitation and presentations to the Board of Directors Bob helped the management team of an international convenience-food chain raise the profile of the IT division within their organization and helped them take a proactive role in the shaping and achieving of strategic goals.
Facilitated the annual leadership meeting for newly appointed VP’s of an international investment bank. Using one of our management simulations we ensured that there was 100% participation as they developed their leadership and team skills. As with all of our facilitated workshops the lessons from the simulation were explored and discussed with each of the teams and individuals to ensure they would take something positive back to the workplace.